Wednesday, November 16, 2011

History of Handwriting Analysis

  1.     .  Prospero Aldorisio's [25] 1611 manuscript is the first book to describe how to analyze handwriting. The major contender is Camilo Baldi's manuscript [26] which was unofficially published in 1622. The 1625 edition was probably the first authorized edition of Baldi's book.
  2.      . Alfred Binet was convinced to do research into graphology from 1893 to 1907. He ended up calling it "The science of the future", despite graphologists' rejecting the results of his research.
  3.       .In 1929 Milton Bunker founded The American Grapho Analysis Society teaching Graphoanalysis. This organization and its system split the American graphology world in two. Students had to choose between Grapho analysis or Holistic Graphology. 
  4.     .  In 1972 talks between the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation and the American Association of Handwriting Analysis started, with the aim to form a single organization. Those talks resulted in the creation of the Council of Graphological Societiesin 1976.

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